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Fromage has burst into my top 5 games of all time (albeit I’ve only played 200 or so board games). Endlessly entertaining and I am so excited for the second instalment, Fromaggio.

I’ve really gotten into playing it on BGA as well. Always up for a game in any of the setup options (my handle is ConkerTSquirrel if you ever did want to play).

I even got some 3D printed upgrades for the game off of Etsy, as the base tokens are a bit ‘meh’ and the upgraded edition’s wooden tokens aren’t that great either. With shipping I ended up paying the same as the base game (😬) but it really gives this lovely extra toy factor to the game. Currently off on the bus to play a round(el) or two with my board game group!

(You’ve also convinced me on the LOTR trick taking game!)

Vale of Eternity is a game that I’ve had some decent table time with these past few weeks. Nice art and a cool drafting mechanic that I am told reminds people of MTG. I’ve also got the new edition of Santorini, along with the cooperative campaign that I am hoping to convince three others to commit to with me.

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